Parking Lot Lighting: Choosing the Perfect LED

If you want to improve your exteriors and make the premises welcoming for the visitors, first upgrade your parking lots with energy-efficient LED parking lot lights. The investment is worth it, and you can reap the benefits for a long time. Here are some tips regarding the selection of LED pole lights. Layout and lampContinue reading “Parking Lot Lighting: Choosing the Perfect LED”

LED Parking Lot Lights: Efficient and Safe Lighting for the Outdoors

Keeping the parking lot of a business area or shopping mall fully brightened all night is expensive and challenging. If you think LED parking lot lights are boring, then you are wrong. These lights make the place welcoming and safe for visitors. Walking through poorly lit parking lots is dangerous as well as hazardous. TheContinue reading “LED Parking Lot Lights: Efficient and Safe Lighting for the Outdoors”

LED Lighting: Choosing the Perfect Color Temperature

Choosing the correct color temperature depends upon various factors. With LED technology, the options are not limited to one. Selecting the correct color options increases the profit margin of your commercial space.  Color temperature is essentially a measure of how the yellow or blue color of light is emitted from the light source. It isContinue reading “LED Lighting: Choosing the Perfect Color Temperature”

Hitting Hard: Myths Debunked Regarding LED Lights

If you are interested in switching to savings by installing LED lighting in your residential or business areas, here are some common myths associated with LED technology. Let’s identify the common myths surrounding LED technology and discuss them in detail. LED lighting is lacking in comparison to traditional lights We all that lighting fixtures useContinue reading “Hitting Hard: Myths Debunked Regarding LED Lights”

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